After I did the ultrasound at the hospital we told our families the good news. R's sister was so happy she cried but my Mom was so shocked she went all quiet on the line. And then it was followed by, "I don't believe it! How come so fast?" I gave her a few days to take in the news and I think she is slowly coming to accept she is going to be a grandmother.
The truth is we didn't exactly plan for this baby. It was the morning after our wedding, we were still dizzy from the euphoria, we were still in our wedding suite in the hotel and we decided on impulse 'hey let's just do this one last thing before we check out of the hotel'. And so Bean was created. On our first attempt to have a baby.
I was so convinced that even though we didn't use any protection I wouldn't get pregnant, even though I was fertile then. I mean, come on, who gets pregnant on their first try?! Everyone usually moans about having to stare at the sad lonely pink line on the dipstick for month after month after month.
And here I am with Bean in my belly, even before the wedding photographer has finished editing all the day's pictures. No wonder my mother thinks I got pregnant before I was married.
But anyway that aside, I think this is destiny, so we are welcoming it with open arms and cheerful smiles. Apart from having sore breasts, occasional cramps and backaches and an overwhelming feeling of tiredness, I feel fine. I am lucky I still love my food and can keep it down, although I must eat slowly or I'll feel sick.
Sometimes, the feelings of hunger and nausea hit me at the same time, so I get really confused. Should I eat or be sick? But one thing for sure is, I have totally gone off Western food, especially salad. I used to love my salads with a dash of balsamic vinegar, soy sauce and olive oil, but now even the thought of it makes me gag. I hardly ever used to cook a lot of Asian food but these days that's the only thing I want.
So I have been making noodles, braised chicken, fish curry, vegetable sambal, and ... white rice. I have developed this thing for white rice. We have always bought and eaten brown rice for health reasons but since getting pregnant, I badly craved HOT FLUFFY STEAMING WHITE RICE.
And now and then I also have mad desires for really unhealthy foods, like chips, fried sausages, Cheezels, crisps, deep-fried items. But I haven't succumbed. I am trying so hard to suppress these unhealthy desires, or I might become a whale even before my second trimester.
I don't mind these random crazy cravings at all, I am just so thankful that I haven't felt or been violently sick.