Sunday, 21 February 2010

Week 21: Hot and bothered!

Happy Year of the Tiger!

I continued to gorge on the delicious local dishes this week and enjoyed being around family and friends. My belly has become more noticeable and on a few occasions I have been offered seats on the train and bus, which is really nice. 

The heat however, is now more unbearable for me as my metabolism increases. It is very uncomfortable for me to walk about in the humid weather and I can't seem to tolerate being in the sun anymore. The solution: holding an umbrella wherever I go. 

I am also now finding it impossible to lay flat on the bed as my uterus would stretch out uncomfortably, so I need to be propped up with several pillows, including one to support my bump as I sleep sideways. 

On the plus side, my skin and hair is less greasy than normal and when I went for my facial session in Singapore, my beautician commented that there is nothing much to extract and I was so thrilled! 

On Thursday I went to Changi General Singapore to see my consultant endocrinologist for my annual thyroid check-up and he increased my medication from 75mcg to 100mcg per day as my levels have clearly dipped in pregnancy. With the additional boost in thyroxin, I do feel better and less fatigued. On learning that I am expecting a little boy, the doctor said, "Well done, that's the way!" What a typical Asian male! 

My family really looked after me when I was back home, always warning me if the toilet or floor was wet, refusing to let me carry any heavy items, making sure I was eating and sleeping properly. 

We booked an air ticket for my mother to join us in the UK in the middle of June, and she'll be staying till the beginning of September. She's not that keen on looking after the baby but at least she can take charge of my meals and help me around the house. 

I'm just so thankful she retired in time to be able to be around when the baby is born!

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