Saturday, 27 March 2010

Week 26: Time to slow down I think

We spent a few days in Barcelona this week, which was absolutely lovely because prior to this I had never been to Spain and didn't know Spanish food is so delicious! It was nice to get away and spend time together although the walking did get a bit too much for me in the end. 

Bean is now almost 2 pounds and getting very strong and active. He kicks me a lot in the day and they are no longer the gentle little taps but proper thumps which can be somewhat uncomfortable. 

I have noticed this week my bump is getting bigger and pointier and I now have to pull or push something to get myself off whatever I may be sitting on (chair, bed, floor). I also have trouble cutting my toenails because my hands can barely reach my toes with the bump being in the way. R had to help me remove my toe polish today. 

My appetite is not too bad and I have managed to keep the heartburn and indigestion at bay by strictly limiting the portion size for my evening meal. I often have nothing more than a small bowl of food. If I do get hungry in the night, I get up and have a couple of biscuits. This I find is so much better than rolling around in stomach pains. 

I don't think being pregnant means you need to constantly stuff yourself crazy or eat a lot more than usual. My appetite is smaller than before I got pregnant and the baby is still growing well. I think it's more important when you are pregnant, to eat well, rather than to eat loads. 

Sleeping is still somewhat tricky because I have to be mindful of my bump whichever position I am in. And if you have a watermelon around your middle, every toss and turn is a struggle. 

This week has been a real hectic one for me, combining Barcelona with work with a weekend teacher training course. I haven't properly rested at all in the month of March and while I'd still like to stay active right up to the day I pop, I would really like to slow down at work (cut down on the travelling across Wales) and spend my time off really looking after myself and getting the house ready for Bean. 

Yes, that shall be my goal for April. 

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