Painting the room took the longest time because we put three coats on and had to spend time touching up bits here and there. We have a relatively new pine chest of drawers and bedside table which were my mother-in-law's and we are reusing them in Bean's room. Then we went to IKEA to get the cot bed. It was a pretty straightforward job putting it together and we only took about an hour.
I took two afternoons off this week to put the safari wall stickers up and to go into town to get Bean's laundry basket, bin, nursing pads, maternity sanitary towels and some other items we need around the house. I also ordered some soothing CDs online which I hope would lull him to sleep and in addition I got a cute wooden panel of hooks to be fixed behind his bedroom door for his clothes. The lovely bunting from Sarah's Loft came on Saturday and she told me she'd made me special ones because I'd written that it would be for my baby's room. That was very thoughtful of her.
In the coming weeks I need to properly launder his clothes and bedding as well as pack my hospital bag. It's not long to go now and I keep having this fear that he might come early and I haven't gotten anything ready.
I'm also experiencing quite a lot of groin pain and lower abdominal tenderness which I believe is due to the pressure from the growing bump as well as the baby pushing downwards. Bean is getting stronger and his kicks can now cause discomfort even though my bump is still very compact at this point. Most people would think I am only 6 months gone.
This week, while I am very satisfied with the progress we have made with Bean's room, I have unfortunately caught a cold which is leaving me quite tired because I can't get much sleep at night with my congested nose.
Honestly at this point in time I can't wait to finish work (another 3 more weeks) because all I can think of now is getting the house ready for Bean and my Mum!
hey, apparently, if u start using those CDs now while he's still inside you to calm him down when he's kicking u, etc.. it'd work to calm him down when he's out.
it worked for my sister and her son! Jayden has his own fav music to which he'd calm down/sleep to...the exact same one he heard when he was inside her womb!
Thanks for this tip! I shall try it! :)
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