Monday, 25 January 2010

Competition: The Name Game

If you have been reading me here or over at Tinted Glasses, you would know that I am now four months pregnant. Naturally we have been thinking about baby names but R and I are having trouble deciding on something we both like. Whenever a name comes up we would go, “It’s too poser”, “With that name s/he is going get made fun of”, “That doesn’t sound right” etc etc.

So we think perhaps it would be a good idea to open it the floor for suggestions! At this point in time we don’t know if we are having a boy or a girl, so feel free to submit names for either genders. Interesting but not poser or tacky names are preferred, and it would be a real bonus if your suggested names could reflect our heritages. Oh and it’s important that it sounds nice with R’s surname, Hope.

We’ll be offering a surprise gift for the best suggestion, so keep those entries coming! Have fun!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Come has to be Ris!
