On Monday, I discussed my maternity leave plans with my employer. Although many women in Britain take 9-12 months off work, I am planning to return to my job in 7 months. But whilst I am off work, I'd like to spend as much time as I can afford to be in Singapore so Bean can be with family and friends.
On Friday, I had my bloods taken again - this time it was for Down's Syndrome screening.
This week, we also got some Bio-Oil from the pharmacy to rub on my belly and breasts to prevent stretch marks from developing. And one day while rubbing the oil in, I noticed how big my bump has become! I am certainly not used to seeing myself so fat and bloated!
Although I really don't feel like I want to be up to anything much, I have decided I must force myself to do some exercise and yoga, because I have heard that would really help in having an easier delivery.
Now the size of an avocado, Bean's hearing is developed by this week so we have been reading Beatrix Potter's stories to him/her in the evenings. Bean is also really getting active as I have been feeling more flutters in my womb.
Yesterday, K and I went to Weston-Super-Mare, a small seaside town in England 90 minutes away from Cardiff, to visit one of our friends who had moved there.
She has a three-month old little boy and had plenty of useful tips and insight to share with us. After cooking us a lovely nutritional meal of noodles and seaweed soup, she brought us to her room and placed heaps of baby clothes onto the bed for us to take home!
Her son had outgrown all the little newborn outfits so she was happy to give away all the clothes. The plan is for K to have them all first and then when Bean comes along two months after her son, she would hand them down to me. We were both glad we haven't bought anything for our babies!
In addition, I also inherited e a lovely Moses basket, which Bean can initially sleep in during his/her first few months, until s/he is big enough to go in the cot.
Bean and I are so blessed!
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