After regaining my appetite for about a month, I'm back to square one! This time it is due to indigestion.
I woke up in the middle of Monday night with such a terrible acute pain in the centre of my stomach that I could not stand up straight. I had to wake R up because I was at my wits' end and so frightened about my condition. I was whimpering and sweating, clutching my stomach and my pulse was racing. R made me a cup of concentrated peppermint tea and I had some Gaviscon and the pain went away.
But after that episode my stomach started giving me trouble everyday. I felt it took ages for me to digest my food and I had a lot of wind. In the evenings it got worse and I would develop stomach pains in the middle of the night. I tried cutting down the meal portions and eating earlier in the evening. On Thursday evening, I decided just to have a bowl of cereal with fruit and nuts for dinner. But still I belched a lot and developed some discomfort.
On Friday I went to see my GP for some advice. She was very nice and told me as the womb grows it pushes up against the intestines and stomach and causes discomfort. In addition, the surge in progesterone slows down the digestive process and that too causes problems with the bowels and stomach. She prescribed some liquid peppermint for me to take after each meal.
Honestly, the number of medicines and vitamins I have to take has increased two-fold since I got pregnant and it's really a task to have to remember when and how to take them. But the liquid peppermint has definitely helped, but despite that, night time indigestion and discomfort seems to be a regular thing now.
As for R, he has been busy researching on breast pumps and push chairs and buying nappies, nipple cream and wet wipes. He's been talking to mothers about breastfeeding, stopping women in the streets to ask them about their push chairs and checking me for stretch marks. I'm glad he's so involved in the pregnancy and taken up the task of researching and sourcing the best valued baby products, because that's something I don't particularly enjoy doing.
As it turns out it's not been too good a week for me but the best thing so far has to be the increased quickening I've been feeling these days. The best way I can describe it would be like someone gently prodding you from inside. It's such a lovely, lovely feeling and whenever I get these flutters, I melt and think everything is worth it!
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