Sunday, 3 January 2010

Week 14: Clothes shopping

First of all, Happy New Year everyone! This is my last week off work (I've been on holidays since the 16th) but sadly I don't feel like I'm ready to get my act together. Who does eh, after such a long break? 

I'm having difficulty squeezing into my old jeans and I've decided to get some new clothes instead of forcing myself into what I've got and ruining their shape. So I hit the sales in town and managed to get a few bits and bobs but I didn't go too crazy because who needs so many maternity clothes? I won't be fat forever right? (with any luck that is)

I managed to get a pair of denim bermudas for when I go back to Singapore, a cotton A-line dress, a cute slogan t-shirt, a pair of black track pants which I think is too small so I'll now have to exchange it, a chiffon printed dress in size 16, a black classic floaty dress from H&M and a printed top. 

I also managed to take the maternity jeans I inherited to the Thai seamstress in the market to get them shortened. And! R's sister picked up a lovely pair of slim black trousers in the sale for me, which I will have to grow into over the next months. 

I've been looking high and low for a white rocking chair but little did I know that there is one right under my nose! I only found out after speaking to R's sister, who told me there is a rocking chair handed down over the generations. Apparently it is over 60 years old and is specially handcrafted. 

I went to see it a couple of weeks ago in my nephew-in-law's house. He used it for his 5-year-old daughter when she was just born and with their youngest child pushing two, there is now little need for them to keep the chair. 

I love the idea of handed down items. When you think of how many different mothers and fathers have sat on the chair and rocked their children to sleep, you realise having stuff which have such a rich history really beat getting some plywood rubbish from IKEA. 

This week, I've also gotten some of my appetite back and I even manage to like fish and salad again! I've also started to have a whole load of other cravings. They include flavoured teas, McDonalds's breakfasts, potatoes, and I'm convinced Bean is trying to get in touch with his Western heritage (whatever that means). As long as he doesn't make me crave for parsnips or swedes (yuck!), I can pretty much stomach anything. 

The brown discharge hasn't really gone away though and my boobs are still dreadfully tender. I did another blood test earlier in the week to monitor my thyroid levels and they are still satisfactory. But because of my hypothyroidism, I will be under the medical care of the obstetrician in addition to the midwives. 

Also, lactulose is now officially my best friend because I have trouble going to the loo! Another one of them joys of being pregnant. Argh!

Oh! And this week I received a Christmas card from Singapore, from an ex-colleague who had gotten married in July. The newlyweds, like us, too found out they were going to have a baby shortly after their big day! Our babies will be months apart, and I have only just realised that I actually personally know three other women who are pregnant and too will be delivering in the first half of 2010. It's amazing! 

I've also started to wonder if Bean may be a girl?! I would love to have a little babe to dress up. By the way, have you taken the polls yet? If you haven't, do vote!

Bean and I are off to bed. We hope you have a good week ahead. 

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